Personal project

Behind the Door

A photographic essay of “home” during 2020. Let’s face it—life has been completely changed within the past few months. We'd leave our houses to engage with others, pursue our hobbies, go to work, get groceries, or even a breath of fresh air; but now the doorway is closed. Home has become a place of refuge, and life still goes on. But recently, I’ve found myself wondering “What’s behind the door.” I am convinced that amidst the uncertainty, frustration, chaos, and fear there is joy. Joy is present in work, in family time, in making music, in waiting to hold loved ones, and in missing and hoping for stadiums, restaurants, hotels, and churches to reopen; joy in looking forward. This project seeks to acknowledge the seriousness of our social situation, but capture the joy present at home. Thank you to the MANY people who participated and supported this project. I am overwhelmed by the love and open-hearts of my dear friends and family. Spending even a few moments with some of them brought such a light in my life; thank you.